Organ Donation

There are currently around 7,000 people in the U.K. on the active waiting list – including around 200 children waiting or an organ.

If you have considered donating your organs but have not yet made a decision please follow these links for further information. Home – NHS Organ Donation

Once you have decided to donate your organs, please inform your GP.



Click either above to register your decision.


Under the new law, from Spring 2020 those who do not wish to donate their organs will still be able to opt out via the register and by using the NHS app. New Law


Body Donation

We can appreciate that the thought of donating your body to medical science once you have passed is difficult to consider and discuss, however, please follow these links or read the attached information booklet if you feel

you would like to register, or would like some more information.  If you feel body donation is the right decision for you and your family please complete the registration form (included in booklet) and send it to the London

Anatomy Office, do not forget to notify your GP and add your wishes into your Will.

Human Tissue Authority

Our local licenced medical school is King’s College London 

To register your body donation please post it to:

The London Anatomy Office
5.7, 5th Floor Hodgkin Building
King’s College London

For more information please click here