Neurodiversity Strategy

Our neurodiversity vision is for everyone at Malthouse Surgery to understand and celebrate neurodiversity, and for all neurodivergent people working in, or using our services to be empowered and enabled to have equal access to GP services, support and fulfilling lives.
We’ve developed our neurodiversity strategy to try and address some of these issues. To help us achieve our vision, we are:
- Improving knowledge across the trust so that our teams feel confident they understand neurodiversity and what they can do to help
- Making sure that neurodivergence doesn’t act as a barrier for people when they need to access our services and when those services should be available to them
- Looking at what we can do to improve experience for our neurodivergent staff and patients
We are also reaching out to neurodiversity advisers/ experts by experience to work with us to deliver our strategy.

Please find below a passport to be filled out if you are Neurodivergent and would like to keep your records up to date.
This is also available for collection at Reception.